"SEA MANTIS devours... " will be a fun packed evening with Blake/Song/Bowering, Bettina Schroeder & Gardyloo. Swing by if you are in the mood!
£8 entry
Experimental sounds at Arch1! Featuring:
SEA MANTIS: (Ed Shipsey, Andrew Ciccone, Adam Kinsey and Stephan Barrett). This promises to be its first public appearance since its only other confirmed sighting at SET in Dalston in December 2019. https://seamantis.bandcamp.com/
BETTINA SCHROEDER & GARDYLOO: A collaboration with Gardyloo who has roots in chaos noise and creates journeys though drones and experimentation. Album: https://wormholeworld.bandcamp.com/album/up-beat
CONAL BLAKE / REGAN BOWERING / LI SONG: Percussion and electronics trio based in London, they experiment with site-specific performance/ improvisations using snare drums, speakers, and found materials. Debut tape: https://infanttree.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-snare-drums-and-portable-speakers